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I went on a date and he paid for the meal but asked me to transfer him my half the next day

A woman revealed she was asked to transfer her date half the price of the meal and now she is considering not seeing him again. 

Taking to British parenting platform Mumsnet, she explained they originally agreed to split the bill but when her card was declined her date said he wanted to pay for her, although the following day he asked her to transfer him the funds. 

She added that she transferred him the money but is now 'put off' about meeting him again-saying he seems 'petty'.   

Many agreed saying 'meanness is not an attractive quality' and others claimed it would immediately give them 'the ick.'

The post read: 'Had a date. Went for sushi. I got a few dishes and he seemed to be counting his coming through. I got some strawberry cheesecake mochi and he said ''that looks nice. I'll try it maybe one time. Spend enough today ahahaa''

A woman revealed on British parenting platform Mumsnet, that she was asked to transfer her date half the price of the meal and now she is considering not seeing him again (stock image)

A woman revealed on British parenting platform Mumsnet, that she was asked to transfer her date half the price of the meal and now she is considering not seeing him again (stock image) 

'Went to tap the card as we agreed to split the bill. I did my half and my card got declined. I said to the waiter, quick as a flash, I'll need to insert my pin because I've probably tapped too many times now

'The man I was with on the date said ''let me just get this, please'' and he tapped. He's now messaging this evening saying 'can you transfer your half? As we did agree to go half. It's Santander xxx yyy lll'

'Then followed up straight away with a link and saying ''fancy this next week?'' So I have. And haven't replied back to say it's done. AIBU to not be interested now? Just seems a bit petty. I personally would've just left it if the shoe was on the other foot.'

Many rushed to the comments with their own thoughts on the date with some saying she shouldn’t see him again. 

One person said: 'I wouldn't see him again, he's too cringey. Nope! He made himself look generous in front of the waiter then went back on it later. 

'I don't like stingy men. You said you were going to enter your pin to pay your half so why did he bother saying he'd pay when that wasn't his intention?'

Another said: 'I wonder if he felt 'you were making a scene' even though you weren't and paid to end it. I also think he sounds either skint or extremely tight neither which I would find attractive.'

Someone else said: 'This would totally put me off. If I was him in this situation I'd have just paid your half and said something along the lines of 'you just sort the bill next time'. 

Taking to the British parenting platform, she explained they originally agreed to split the bill but when her card was declined her date said he wanted to pay for her, although the following day he asked her to transfer him the funds

Taking to the British parenting platform, she explained they originally agreed to split the bill but when her card was declined her date said he wanted to pay for her, although the following day he asked her to transfer him the funds

Many rushed to the comments with their own thoughts on the date with some saying she shouldn’t see him again

Many rushed to the comments with their own thoughts on the date with some saying she shouldn’t see him again

'He should've also given you chance to put your card in the machine. I wouldn't meet him again.'

While a fourth agreed saying: 'Bin. He sounds like one of those men that likes to be seen by other people to do the nice thing but is different behind.closed doors.'

Meanwhile others thought she should give him a second chance, saying maybe he's just broke at the moment. 

One person said: 'I don't know, You did agree to split and I think on a first date it is fair enough for both to pay for themselves. If you liked him, I would give him another chance.'

Another wrote: 'I wonder if he perhaps thought he was being chivalrous - like stepping in to save you any embarrassment if you couldn't pay? 

Meanwhile others thought she should give him a second chance, saying maybe he's just broke at the moment

Meanwhile others thought she should give him a second chance, saying maybe he's just broke at the moment

'I'd give him a second chance under benefit of the doubt but keep an eye out for anything similar as there is nothing worse than someone penny pinching.'

Someone else said: 'I understand why this feels odd. He stopped you doing a simple thing of inserting the card as he wanted to "get this", but now regrets it and wants you to reverse his decision he made.

'If I really liked him I'd see him again but would just keep a mental note of this thing that happened (and if anything else started to feel weird then all added together....)'

While a fourth wrote: 'If I liked him, this wouldn't be enough to put me off a second date. I think there's potential for this to be a misunderstanding, or a nice guy who's skint. Another date should clarify whether it was those things or whether he's miserly.' 

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